Safeguarding individuals at risk of radicalisation

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Protecting Individuals from Radicalisation: Prevent Duty Measures

Understanding the Risks

Recognising Signs: Identifying signs of vulnerability such as behavioural changes, isolation, or accessing extremist material.

Early Intervention

Key Importance: Identifying and engaging with at-risk individuals before involvement in extremist activities.

Multi-Agency Approach

Collaborative Effort: Involving education, health, social services, and law enforcement for comprehensive support.

Personalised Support Plans

Unique Solutions: Tailoring interventions to individual needs, including educational support, mentorship, or mental health services.

Building Resilience

Promoting Skills: Fostering critical thinking, sense of belonging, and positive identity formation to resist extremist ideologies.

Engaging Families and Communities

Crucial Role: Involving families and communities in building supportive networks and providing culturally sensitive interventions.

Ongoing Monitoring and Support

Continuous Assistance: Ensuring individuals receive ongoing support and monitoring to minimise radicalisation risk.

Safeguarding individuals from radicalisation is a multifaceted process requiring early identification, collaboration, tailored interventions, and ongoing support. This approach aims to protect vulnerable individuals and prevent terrorism.