Balancing Prevent Duty with rights to privacy and freedom of expression

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Balancing Prevent Duty with Privacy and Freedom of Expression

Understanding the Scope of Prevent Duty

Objective: Prevent Duty aims to safeguard people from terrorism while respecting individual rights.

Respecting Freedom of Expression

Cornerstone of Democracy: Freedom of expression should not be unduly restricted, distinguishing between extremist views and healthy debate.

Right to Privacy

Fundamental Right: Information handling should comply with data protection laws, ensuring privacy is respected.

Proportionate Measures

Careful Consideration: Interventions should be proportionate to the risk, avoiding unnecessary intrusion into personal lives.

Transparent Procedures

Key Principle: Transparency in reporting and handling concerns fosters trust and accountability.

Cultural Sensitivity and Bias Awareness

Objective Decisions: Decisions should be free from stereotypes or biases, based on objective criteria.

Encouraging Open Dialogue

Promoting Understanding: Open discussions about radicalisation foster clarity and dispel myths, supporting freedom of expression.

Ensuring a balance between Prevent Duty and the rights to privacy and freedom of expression is both a legal requirement and a moral obligation.