Overview and objectives of Prevent Duty
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Prevent Duty: An Integral Part of the UK's Counter-Terrorism Strategy
Prevent Duty is a cornerstone of the UK's CONTEST strategy, focusing on early intervention to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism.
Goals of Prevent Duty
Prevent Duty seeks to:
- Guide sectors like education, healthcare, and law enforcement in identifying and responding to radicalisation signs.
- Understand and interrupt the radicalisation process through effective intervention.
Early Intervention and Support
Key to Prevent Duty is identifying individuals at risk and offering support, preventing the transition to criminal activities. This collaborative effort involves professionals across various sectors and community involvement.
Fostering Open Communication
Creating a safe environment for discussions about radicalisation is crucial. This involves:
- Building awareness and resilience among communities.
- Encouraging positive dialogue and understanding.
Long-term Objectives
Beyond addressing immediate threats, Prevent Duty aims to:
- Promote respect for democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for diverse faiths and beliefs.
- Strengthen community ties and shared values.
Contributing to Prevent Strategy
This session will equip you with the necessary knowledge and tools to actively participate in the Prevent strategy, ensuring community safety and well-being.
Prevent Duty is essential for safeguarding individuals and communities from the risks of radicalisation, forming an essential part of the UK's comprehensive counter-terrorism efforts.