Role of local authorities and community support networks

Video 11 of 16
2 min 47 sec

Role of Local Authorities and Community Support Networks in Prevent Duty

Local Authorities

  • Leadership and Coordination: Local authorities lead and coordinate Prevent strategies, working with agencies like education, health, and law enforcement.
  • Training and Awareness: They deliver training and raise awareness about radicalisation risks and the importance of early intervention.
  • Assessment and Referral: Local authorities assess referrals, determine risk levels, and decide on appropriate interventions.
  • Support and Intervention: Through the Channel program, they provide tailored support plans, including mentoring and counseling.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with diverse community groups fosters understanding and dialogue across communities.

Community Support Networks

  • Grassroots Engagement: Community groups identify local tensions and issues early, acting as an early warning system.
  • Building Trust: With established trust, they effectively communicate Prevent messages and engage people in activities.
  • Providing Support: Community groups offer informal support and guidance to individuals at risk.
  • Challenging Extremism: By promoting positive narratives, they challenge extremist ideologies and narratives.
  • Feedback and Adaptation: Providing feedback helps adapt Prevent strategies to local needs.

In conclusion, local authorities and community support networks collaborate to ensure a comprehensive approach to Prevent Duty, combining official resources with grassroots understanding.